Natural Healing Acupuncture Clinic
Treat the Cause Not just the Symptom
The most common effect of acupuncture treatment is deep relaxation. For many of us, the sympathetic nervous system is overdoing its job of stimulating the body’s fight-or-flight response. Acupuncture is remarkably effective in shifting the body into rest-and-digest mode, which has a powerful effect for easing anxiety. Acupuncture has also been found to increase endorphins, which are some of the hormones that make us feel good. People regularly leave our clinic with a sense of inner peace and lifted spirits.
Regulating hormones
A common cause of depression and anxiety is the emotional & physical turmoil sometimes associated with hormonal shifts. Acupuncture can do wonders for the symptoms of hormonal imbalance in people of all genders.
Support with trauma recovery
Sometimes depression and/or anxiety is underlaid with unresolved trauma. Acupuncture is a well-known and documented therapy for the impacts of traumatic stress.